My name is Xueshen Liu (刘学深). I am a second-year Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science and Engineering Division at the University of Michigan, advised by Prof. Z. Morley Mao. My research interests focus on building systems bridging the gap between software and hardware.


  • University of Michigan (2022 - )
    Ph.D of Computer Science & Engineering
  • University of Michigan (2020 - 2022)
    Bachelor of Computer Science
  • Shanghai Jiao Tong University (2018 - 2022)
    Bachelor of Electric & Computer Engineering


  • Minimap2-gigabase:
    Minimap2-gigabase (mm2-gb) is based on minimap2-v2.24 with GPU accelerated chaining kernel for high throughput accurate mapping of ultra-long reads.
  • IMAGician:
    IMAGician is an Android App based on Image Steganography Technology. It embeds invisible watermarks in images to protect copyright of creators. Check our demo video on Youtube.